Chipped Tooth

Chipped Tooth in Riverside, CA

A chipped tooth occurs when a small piece of enamel, the hard outer layer of your tooth, breaks off. This can leave you with a jagged edge or rough surface that not only affects the appearance of your smile but can also cause discomfort and sensitivity. Chipped teeth can happen to anyone at any age, and they are more common than you might think!

There are different degrees of severity when it comes to chipped teeth. In some cases, only a tiny chip may be noticeable, while in others, a larger portion of the tooth may break off. The location and size of the chip will determine how significant an impact it has on both aesthetics and function.

It's important to note that even though a chipped tooth may seem like just a cosmetic concern initially, it should always be considered a dental emergency. Ignoring or delaying treatment could lead to further complications down the line, such as increased pain or infection.

Causes of chipped teeth

There are several factors that can contribute to a chipped tooth.

  • One common cause is trauma or injury to the mouth, such as from a fall, sports accident, or biting down on something hard. In these situations, the force applied to the teeth can be enough to chip or fracture them.
  • Another common cause of chipped teeth is poor oral hygiene and dental care. When teeth are not properly cared for, they can become weakened and more prone to damage. This includes neglecting regular brushing and flossing, as well as skipping routine dental check-ups and cleanings.
  • Certain habits can also increase the risk of chipping a tooth. For example, biting your nails or chewing on ice can put unnecessary pressure on your teeth and potentially lead to chips or fractures.
  • Additionally, having weak enamel or existing dental issues like cavities or tooth decay can make your teeth more susceptible to chipping. These conditions weaken the structure of the tooth and make it more vulnerable to damage.

It's important to take good care of your oral health and avoid activities that could potentially chip your teeth. Regular visits to the dentist for preventive care are essential for maintaining strong and healthy teeth.

Signs and symptoms of a chipped tooth

When it comes to a chipped tooth, there are several signs and symptoms that you should be aware of.

  • One of the most obvious signs is feeling a rough or jagged edge on your tooth with your tongue or fingers. This can be quite uncomfortable and can even cause irritation to your soft tissues.
  • Another common symptom of a chipped tooth is sensitivity to hot or cold temperatures. You may notice an increased sensitivity when drinking hot coffee or biting into something cold like ice cream. This can be a result of the protective enamel layer being compromised due to the chip in your tooth.
  • If you experience any pain while chewing or biting down, it could indicate that you have a chipped tooth. The pressure exerted on the damaged area can trigger discomfort and make eating certain foods difficult.
  • Sometimes, a chipped tooth may not cause any noticeable symptoms initially. However, over time, if left untreated, it could lead to further dental issues such as decay or infection.

If you suspect you have a chipped tooth based on these signs and symptoms, it's crucial to visit your dentist for an accurate diagnosis and appropriate treatment plan tailored specifically to your needs. Remember, early intervention can prevent potential complications down the road!

Treatment options for a chipped tooth

When it comes to treating a chipped tooth, there are several options available depending on the severity of the chip and your specific dental needs. One common treatment option is dental bonding, which involves applying a tooth-colored resin material to the chipped area and shaping it to match the natural contours of your tooth. This can help restore both the appearance and function of your tooth.

For more extensive chips, or if you're experiencing pain or sensitivity, your dentist may recommend a dental crown. A crown is a custom-made restoration that covers and protects the entire damaged tooth, providing strength and durability.

In some cases, when a significant portion of the tooth has been lost or if there's exposure of the nerve, root canal therapy may be necessary. This involves removing infected tissue from inside the tooth before placing a crown on top for added protection.

If any sharp edges are present after chipping a tooth, your dentist may also smooth them out to prevent further injury to soft tissues in your mouth.

Remember that these treatment options should always be discussed with your dentist who can evaluate the extent of damage and provide personalized recommendations for restoring your chipped tooth.


Taking care of your oral health is crucial, and a chipped tooth should never be taken lightly. While it may not always cause immediate pain or discomfort, leaving it untreated can lead to further damage and complications down the line.

If you suspect that you have a chipped tooth, it is important to seek dental attention as soon as possible. Your Dentist in Riverside, CA will assess the severity of the chip and recommend the most appropriate treatment option for your specific case.

By staying proactive about your dental health and addressing any issues promptly, you can maintain a beautiful smile and enjoy optimal oral health for years to come! If you’re interested in learning more about how we can help improve your smile’s health and function, contact Riverside Tooth Co. at 6886 Indiana Ave Suite B, Riverside 92506, or call (951) 686-2565.


Contact Us

6886 Indiana Ave Suite B,
Riverside, CA, CA, 92506


Phone: (951) 686-2565

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MON8:00 am - 5:00 pm

TUE - THU9:00 am - 6:00 pm

FRI7:00 am - 12:00 pm

SAT - SUNClosed